Wadah Foundation

“Celebration of Life”, Merayakan Kehidupan Dengan Semangat Kolaborasi Melalui Platform “Wadah Universal Education Initiative”

Wadah Titian Harapan Foundation launched the “Wadah Universal Education Initiative” (WUEI) at the “A Celebration of Life” event placed in the Raffles Hotel Bali, on August 19, 2023. An event that primarily commemorates the birthday of the founder and chairman of the Wadah Foundation, Ibu Anie Hashim Djojohadikusumo, who is also the initiator of the […]

“Celebration of Life”, Merayakan Kehidupan Dengan Semangat Kolaborasi Melalui Platform “Wadah Universal Education Initiative” Read More »

Pelatihan Penyuluhan Untuk Mewujudkan Kader Posyandu Terampil di Desa Koa - NTT

One of the focuses of the Wadah Foundation’s assistance since it was founded in 2008 has been Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) because it is in these Posyandu that people, especially those living in remote and isolated villages, get access to easy, cheap and affordable health services. Posyandu is a form of Community Resource Health Effort

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Kaderisasi Teknisi Untuk Membangun Kontinuitas Listrik Tenaga Surya

Continuity is a crucial thing that determines the long-term success of a program and organization. Solar Electricity is one of the Wadah Foundation’s programs to provide electricity to communities in villages not yet served by the State Electricity Company in Sikka, Alor, Nagekeo and South Central Timor (TTS) districts. The sustainability of this program is

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Standardisasi Kinerja untuk Mewujudkan Layanan Berkualitas

To guarantee the quality of the process and results of Wadah services, in 2017, Wadah participated in the ISO 9001: 2015 certification activity. ISO 9001:2015 contains guidelines for implementing programs or activities in accordance with international standards. The guideline, called the quality management system (QMS), requires every organization that holds an ISO 9001:2015 certificate to

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“Architectures of Learning Dalam Peningkatan Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia”

Architectures of Learning is a structure of thought that refers to the planning and development of learning programs that can help educators to create learning approaches that have sustainable transformation, achieve equality, and possess skilled qualities and analytical thinking. The Architectures of Learning structure consists of mind, curriculum, and space. The components of the mind

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IHT Kreatif Menulis, Menulis Tak Sesulit Yang Dibayangkan

Wadah Foundation supports a community in Ambon, which is under the management and assistance of Rumah Wadah Ambon. One of Rumah Wadah Ambon’s activities is to manage a Learning Center that functions as a community activity center – where people share information, learn together, and carry out community empowerment activities. As a community center, Wadah Ambon Learning Center has

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Suhandani, Berdampak melalui Pencak Silat

A cadre who exemplifies the spirit of sharing is Suhandani (Dani), from the Mutiara Abadi community of Yogyakarta. Dani and his students won medals at the Pencak Silat Tapak Suci Bupati Cup Championship at the IV Provincial level at GOR Tridadi Sleman Yogyakarta. 93 contingents, comprising 824 athletes from all levels of education, participated in

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Wadah Berbagi Pengalaman Melayani Masyarakat di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung

Hasan Azhary and Zakiyah Samal from Wadah Foundation became speakers at the closing seminar on the results of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program for Bela Negara (state defence) program at Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar) (MBKM Bela Negara) with the theme “Learning from the Community, Playing a Role in Building the Country”. This activity was attended

Wadah Berbagi Pengalaman Melayani Masyarakat di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Read More »