Stunting is one of the significant public health challenges in Indonesia, including in Bendungan Hilir Village, Tanah Abang Sub-district, Central Jakarta. Stunting not only affects children’s physical growth, but also cognitive development which ultimately impacts future potential. productivity Based on data from stunting intervention result in June 2024, there were around 21 per cent or 2 million under-fives identified as stunned, and 1 of those was baby “M”.
Case of Baby “M” in Integrated Child-Friendly Public Space (RPTRA) Bendungan Hilir Flat
During a routine health check by Posyandu (Integrated Health Post) at the RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terbuka Ramah Anak) or Integrated Child-Friendly, Bendungan Hilir Flat, baby ‘M’ was identified as. The Bendungan Hilir Village government promptly referred baby “M” to the Tanah Abang Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) for further examination. It was confirmed that baby “M” was diagnosed with stunting. In addition to stunting, the result showed baby “M” had chronic malnutrition, kidney failure, and a hernia that required immediate intervention.

Wadah Foundation in Collaboration
Cross-agency collaboration is very important in handling this problem because stunting is a complex and multidimensional issue, which requires a holistic and coordinated approach from various parties. The agencies involved in this collaboration include the Tanah Abang Community Health Centre, Hospitals, Bendungan Hilir Village Government, the Health Department, and Wadah Foundation.
Baby “M” has access to Social Security Agency (BPJS) health care services, but there are nutrition and basic needs such as milk, clothes, and nappies that cannot be supported by the Social Security Agency program. Through the support of Wadah Foundation partners, namely Stefan Loho and Give2Asia, Wadah Foundation assists the parent of baby “M” in purchasing basic necessities. The health condition of baby “M” also prompted Integrated Child-Friendly Public Space (RPTRA) Bendungan Hilir Flat, Bendungan Hilir Village Government, and Health Department to coordinate policies and resources to support the family, including providing free supplementary food and health education to the parents of baby “M”.
Regular monitoring of baby “M” development is conducted periodically to evaluate progress, divide tasks, and maximize each other’s roles. Dwi Septiani, representing Wadah Foundation, holds a key role in facilitating communication among all parties involved.

Family Challenges and Further Solutions
During the support process for baby “M”, another issue was identified in baby “M”’s family, the mother was diagnosed with anxiety and was nearing the classification of an individual with Mental Health Problems (ODMK), so she was referred to Tanah Abang Hospitals for more appropriate treatment. Baby “M”’s older brother, whose initials as “B”, suffers from hydrocephalus, resulting in delayed speech and thinking, so he cannot go to public school but to a special school (SLB). Wadah Foundation facilitates partnerships with other agencies so that the mother of baby “M” and “B” receive proper care and treatment.
After approximately five months of support, the condition of baby “M” showed improvement in physical growth and adequate nutritional status, the mother of baby “M” received mental health services at the Hospital, and his brother “B” received educational services at Public Special Schools (SLB) 3 Jakarta. Support not only targets the mother and two children but also extends to baby “M”’s father, who has been empowered by the Bendungan Hilir Village Government through employment opportunities. Additionally, the program’s impact is also felt by neighbors who receive orders for nutritious ready-to-eat food for baby “M” thereby increasing their income. According to the results of the evaluation, it has been shown this collaboration is successful in overcoming the problem of stunting as well as other problems experienced by baby “M”’s family.

Positive Outcomes from the Collaboration
The cross-agency collaboration involving Community Health Centre (Puskesmas), Integrated Child-Friendly (RPTRA), Wadah Foundation, and the local Government has successfully transformed the lives of baby “M” and his family. Increased community knowledge and access to health services are clear evidence of the programme’s success. However, the assistance to baby “M”’s family is not over yet. Let us together raise public awareness about the importance of stunting prevention. Everyone can contribute, from providing nutritious food to children, maintaining environmental hygiene, to supporting government programmes. With the spirit of collaboration, we believe Indonesia can achieve a healthy and smart golden generation.
Author: Wahyuning Dwi Ndraha
Editor: Paula Stela Nova Landowero