With the support of the Wadah Foundation, 4 women from PKM Wadah Warabal – Mrs. Dede, Mrs. Lasiyem, Mrs. Ismulyana and Mrs. Adminah – participated in a sewing training course conducted by Hand Craft Gula Gula Community in December 2016 and January 2017 in Sawangan, Depok, West Java.
Currently the four women have started to apply their sewing knowledge and skills acquired from the training. They have since produced tissue cases, wallet, cangklong bags and carrying bags made from fabric.
To produce the items, PKM Wadah Warabal received 3 units of sewing machine donated by Wadah Foundation, Asuransi Astra and Good News From Indonesia (GNF). They also have got one unit press machine donated by Ibu Yuliani. Although demand for their products are not yet steady, orders have started to come in from local communities and even from companies such as Pertamina Patra Niaga.
The four women are aided by other women from the community in producing the items, by ironing and opening seams that are sewn incorrectly.
Author: Kiswanti