Solar Workshops in Talwai Village, Alor and Pagomogo Village, Nagekeo
The Wadah Foundation (“Wadah”) Patron and Chairperson, with the Regent of Nagekeo and the Vice Regent of Alor, officially inaugurated the seven solar workshops in the District of Nagekeo and the District of Alor, through a virtual event on Saturday, the 12th of June 2021.
Five solar workshops are located in the District of Nagekeo: in Makipaket (Sub-District of Mbay II), Rendubutowe Village, Tedakisa Village, Tedamude Village and Pagomogo Village. In the District of Alor, two are in Tasi Village and Talwai Village.
All seven solar workshops were constructed in the spirit of gotong royong (the local concept of jointly bearing responsibilities and burdens).The local government provided the land where the structures were built, while Wadah Foundation facilitated the support from Barefoot College International (“Barefoot College”) in providing construction materials, and the community provided the human resources.
“These solar workshops belong to the community. Aside from serving as a storage facility for the solar tools and equipment, the workshop can also be used as a training center in assembling solar panels, as a meeting place for the community, for the children, the youth, and as an activity center,” said Ibu Anie Hashim, the Chairperson of Wadah.
Each workshop is managed by a committee formed by the village community itself, consisting of a Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. This LTS or Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Power) committee is tasked with ensuring that the solar devices installed in beneficiary homes function as expected and that solar components and equipment are maintained. If there are any problems, they can be repaired immediately by technicians who have studied directly in India before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. “Thus, every citizen is responsible for the sustainability of the solar electricity installed in the people’s homes; because every month, the committee holds meetings and listens to the input and complaints of villagers who have received the solar electricity. This committee is closely accompanied by a team from Wadah, so that they may carry out their role,” said Obeth, Head of Tasi Village.
The Regent of Nagekeo District expressed his appreciation to Wadah and Barefoot College in India for providing the opportunity for seven heroines (Solar Mamas) from Nagekeo to learn how to assemble and install solar power in Tilonia, India. This project has broadened the understanding and perspective of the district government in improving the infrastructure of these women’s villages. Now that the lights are installed in 295 houses, the beneficiaries can conduct activities at night. The presence of light in these five villages brings hope for the welfare of the people of Nagekeo. To brighten the village, the District Government of Nagekeo, through the Department of Manpower and Transmigration, will eventually conduct training for seven Solar Electricians using training modules provided by Barefoot College and Wadah.
Friends across Indonesia and abroad joined the virtual celebration. Speakers included Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo (Patron of Wadah Foundation), Guruji Bhagwatnandan (a representative from Barefoot College International), Mr. Johanes Don Bosco Do (Regent of Nagekeo), Mr. Imran Duru (Vice Regent of Alor), and the Ambassador of India in Jakarta, His Excellency Shri Manoj Kumar Bharti. Due to scheduling conflicts, His Excellency could not join; however, he was able to send his remarks via a recorded video message.
From the District of Alor, six Solar Mamas – also solar technicians – have undergone training in assembling, installing, maintaining and repairing both components and solar panel installations. With the support of BNP Paribas, this training was carried out in Barefoot College, Tilonia, Rajasthan, India in 2018-2019 in 2 batches, for six months each. From the District of Nagekeo, seven Solar Mamas studied in India from September 2019 through February 2020 with funding support from BNP Paribas and the Islamic Development Bank. Upon returning to their respective villages, these Solar Mamas inspected the solar equipment and components, distributed them and installed them in the beneficiaries’ homes. With the help of the community, they also maintain and repair the equipment in case of damage.
Since 2013, Wadah, as the Ground Partner of Barefoot College in Indonesia, has facilitated the construction of 11 workshop units in four Districts – three in Sikka, one in South Central Timor (“TTS”), five in Nagekeo, and two in Alor. In addition, Wadah has facilitated the procurement and installation of solar electricity in 1,364 residential houses, houses of worship, and public/social facilities – 449 units in Sikka Regency, 309 in TTS, 306 in Alor, and 300 in Nagekeo. There are currently 22 solar technicians – four from Sikka District, four from TTS, seven from Alor, and seven from Nagekeo. The technicians are assisted in their daily duties by several cadres, who are first trained and briefed before carrying out these duties. The number of cadres has now reached 35 people – eight from Sikka, four from Alor, and 23 from TTS.