To guarantee the quality of the process and results of Wadah services, in 2017, Wadah participated in the ISO 9001: 2015 certification activity. ISO 9001:2015 contains guidelines for implementing programs or activities in accordance with international standards. The guideline, called the quality management system (QMS), requires every organization that holds an ISO 9001:2015 certificate to carry out its programs in a plan, do, check, and act (PDCA) flow or cycle.
The guidelines are complemented by a number of quality manuals and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to help every employee in Wadah carry out their main tasks and functions within the PDCA flow. One of the quality manuals owned by Wadah is an organizational context which contains, among others, the context of the Foundation, the needs of stakeholders, the scope of the quality management system and its processes. In detail, the quality manual is further described in a number of SOPs relating to planning (plan), implementation (do), monitoring & evaluation (check) and follow-up (act).

With the availability of SOP at each of these stages, Wadah expects that every employee can achieve their best performance in service. Yet, in practice there is always a discrepancy between the standard and the realization. Therefore Wadah conducts regular and periodic audits. In the audit, Wadah conducts monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the QMS is utilized and maintained properly. There are at least two types of audits conducted in Wadah, namely an internal audit conducted by the Wadah’s own auditors and external audit conducted by the certification body. Wadah appointed UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) to certify Wadah Quality Management System.
As of 2023, Wadah has ten certified internal auditors. The ten auditors consist of management representatives and delegates from the human resources and general affairs department, the program department, the development and research department and the finance department.

With the ISO 9001: 2015 version of the performance standardization, Wadah has succeeded in increasing the quality and capacity of its 31 employees spread at Wadah Central House in Jakarta as well as Wadah Regional of Yogyakarta, Kupang Koa, Sikka and Ambon. And at the age of 15, it has produced 15 employees who are competent in their fields, 11 agents of change, 230 cadres in 26 assisted communities, 26 trained, skilled, and trusted cadres in 10 communities, and 11 communities who have become partners.
Author: Ghewa Yohanes
Editor: Paula Stela Landowero