Wadah Foundation (Wadah) is an international standard non-profit organization that has a vision of creating an empowered and dignified society. To achieve this vision, Wadah provides 3 supports, namely emotional support, opportunities and facilities packaged in mentoring and training programs in 3 areas, namely education, health and economic strengthening. Since 2009 or a year after it was founded, Wadah has been committed to managing its programs credibly and transparently to produce the best quality services.
In order to realize this commitment, since 2017 Wadah has slowly transformed from an organically managed institution to a professionally managed institution by implementing ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) from PT Asia Cipta Management (ACM) which is part of Amtivo Group, an International Certification Body in the United Kingdom certified by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service). In 2017, Wadah received ISO 9001:2015 SMM certification for the first time.
In 2023, Wadah will carry out its 7th audit in the context of Renewal Certification. This activity was carried out on Monday, December 4 2023 with OFI (opportunity for improvement) results. This means that until 2023, Wadah has succeeded in maintaining ISO 9001:2015 SMM certification six times consecutively. This also confirms that Wadah’s commitment to quality management and organizational governance with international standards has become a work culture shared by every individual at Wadah, from management level to staff or employees, both at the head office in Jakarta and in the regions.
By adopting ISO 9001:2015 SMM and implementing it consistently, Wadah’s targets from year to year become more measurable so that employees in the office and field can carry out each program more effectively and efficiently. At the same time, transparency and legal compliance as the main pillars of Wadah’s services have become stronger and better implemented in all of its operational activities. So, with consistent monitoring and assessment of applicable legal requirements, Wadah Foundation not only maintains ISO 9001:2015 QMS certification, but also maintains and increases the trust of the community, government and sponsors who have been collaborating and supporting Wadah’s vision, mission and goals.
Wadah’s success in maintaining and extending its ISO 9001:2015 QMS certification also shows that Wadah has experienced significant development in various aspects, both management and operations. One of the main achievements that can be identified is the improvement in service quality which can be seen in Wadah cadres who are starting to gain the trust of the community and government to carry out public roles and responsibilities both in villages and districts/cities.
By working in accordance with international standards, Wadah continues to be dedicated to developing in preparation to adapt to increasingly complex and dynamic changes in the future both within the organization and the target community. One of the development strategies used is to ensure that management and employees consistently identify and manage potential risks that can affect organizational performance, in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 QMS standard.
With this achievement, Wadah Foundation can move closer to its vision of creating an empowered and dignified society. The success of maintaining ISO 9001: 2015 QMS certification for six years is a reflection of Wadah Foundation’s collective passion and dedication in achieving operational excellence and providing real benefits to society.
Author: Wahyuning Dwi Ndraha
Editor: Yan Ghewa