
Remaja dan Dewasa Berlatih Komputer di LKP Al Hidayah

On May 11, 2024, the Al Hidayah Institute of Courses and Skills (LKP) officially launched computer training. The event was attended by representatives from the Wadah Foundation, community leaders, tutors, and residents of the Rusunawa Blok 9 area in Penjaringan, North Jakarta. LPK Al Hidayah aims to provide teenagers in this community with essential computer […]

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Mengenal Kondisi Masyarakat Desa Koa Melalui Pemetaan Sosial RRA/PRA

Social mapping is a systematic process of depicting a society involving the collection of data and information about a society, including the profile and social problems that exist in that society. Social mapping is carried out to determine the basic needs of the community, potential resources, identify the root of the problems felt by the

Mengenal Kondisi Masyarakat Desa Koa Melalui Pemetaan Sosial RRA/PRA Read More »