Cornerstone Laying of PAUD Monit Fe’u Building in Dusun Fatuliman, Koa Village

On 2 June 2020, Wadah Foundation, together with the people of Dusun Fatuliman, Koa Village, held the cornerstone laying ceremony as a symbol of the start of the construction of the PAUD Monit Fe’u building. The PAUD building, that has been a long-time dream of the people of Koa, is now finally becoming a reality.

The ceremony started with a traditional ritual to seek nature’s guidance and spiritual energy for the construction to proceed without a hitch. The cornerstone laying event was attended by a number of village officials, the Head of PKK, BPD, traditional elders, pastors and all Wadah volunteers. Not to be missed was the traditional greeting “Natoni” (thanksgiving) in the form of customary offering of a shawl by the village head to Mario Vieira (Wadah representative) and Guan Ghewa (contractor from CV Kupang Berkat Mulia).


The cornerstone laying activity was led by representatives from the descendants of the Opat Tasekeb Tribes and Wadah representative, Mario Vieira. The Opat Tasekeb Tribes were the ones who turned over the 3-hectare land to the local village in 1987.  A part of this land was handed over by the Koa Village for Monit Fe’u PAUD school to be built in the Fatuliman hamlet. 


Mario, the Wadah Foundation representative, shared a brief reflection when Wadah first entered Koa in 2014 and has stayed until the present. “WADAH’s presence in Koa is not a coincidence,” he said.

During the said occasion, Mario extended Ibu Anie Hashim Djojohadikusumo’s (Wadah founder) warmest greetings and sincerest apologies for not being able to attend the event due to the restrictions present because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wadah fully appreciates the spirit of gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) displayed by the people which signifies their unity and joy in welcoming the promising future of their children. This enthusiasm is truly evident during their preparation for this cornerstone laying ceremony. Their gotong-royong would once again be witnessed as they make fences (live fence & bamboo) for the PAUD Monit Fe’u building and Lopo (Typical Timor Round House).

Mario also mentioned that the funds for the construction of the PAUD building came from donations made during The Bali Event in 2019. 

“All parties must be properly held accountable starting from the school construction, utilization, management and maintenance in the future,” Mario said as a reminder.


The village head of Koa, Mr. Yustus Bani, full of emotion and tears, gave thanks to God, to Wadah and to the donors at the Bali Event. “This dignified event happened because of the prayers of the Koa residents and God answered them through Ibu Anie and Wadah,” he said. He recalled the kindness of Wadah and its unending care towards the remote and isolated village of Koa to help raise awareness and lift them from falling behind, that they would be more confident to progress forward, especially the future generations. Mr. Yustus Bani also mentioned the various programs Wadah has been providing the village since 2014 – Education, Health, promoting Economic Development through cooperatives, providing Solar electricity and Clean Water. “…Such real work that deserves to be appreciated and be grateful for. If there are still residents of the village who doubt and question the sincerity of Wadah, then immediately repent,” he stressed.

3D design of the PAUD Monit Fe’u – Fatuliman


The Village Head made an appeal to the community that although the PAUD Building construction would be carried out by the CV Berkat Kupang Mulia contractor, the community members would still be encouraged to continue to work together (gotong royong) to help in areas that do not require special expertise like in making the fences and Lopo.

The Head of Koa Village, through the West Mollo Sub-District Head, said that he hopes that the opening ceremony of the Fatuliman PAUD building in October 2020 would be attended by the TTS Regent, Founder of Wadah Foundation, Mrs. Anie Hashim and by Wadah International representatives.

The momentous cornerstone laying ceremony of the Fatuliman PAUD building came to a close with a joint lunch prepared and funded by the residents of the Koa Village community and CV Berkat Kupang Mulia.

Author: Mario Vieira


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