Architectures of Learning in Human Resources Capacity Building

Architectures of Learning is a structure of thought that refers to the planning and development of learning programs that can help educators to create learning approaches that have sustainable transformation, achieve equality, and possess skilled qualities and analytical thinking.

The Architectures of Learning structure consists of mind, curriculum, and space. The components of the mind include cognition/thinking, namely knowledge and perception which generally becomes a belief in an object; affect/emotion, namely feelings or emotional reactions (likes/dislikes) towards an object; conation/motivation, namely the tendency to respond or act with a certain behavior towards an object or activity.

Mind has a term that all learning concepts start from a mindset which is then felt (empathy) and implemented so that it becomes a habit of thinking and acting. An educator must have a rational mindset about education and the learning process, have a passion for learning and be responsible, then contribute through the application of relevant learning methods.

Curriculum can be interpreted as a system of plans and arrangements as a basis for developing programs or holistic learning designs where participants can acquire knowledge, skills, and mindsets to build self-confidence, and realize the paths they can use to improve their livelihoods according to their interests, talents and abilities.

Space can be interpreted as an area that is used as a visualization medium. Through visualization media educators are able to imagine the process of learning activities and interactions that occur. This visualization allows educators to be able to feel the learning process if it is carried out online (in the network) and offline (network space) which can consist of narrow, spacious rooms, with equipment capable of supporting learning. The results of the visualization process can foster creativity/innovation in the learning process.

Architectures of Learning can be used as an educational approach that helps an educator who not only has knowledge of the field of study that he already has, but is capable and has knowledge in designing a concept of learning methods that are relevant to the trending needs of the working world.

There are facts from the Apindo Business and Industry Learning Center (, 2023) stating that employment in the industrial sector is currently still low (job employability), this is due to the fact that vocational education is not in harmony with the industrial world, schools and colleges are not know what the industry needs. Therefore, it is necessary to revitalize vocational education with a curriculum that is based on the needs of the world of work so as to produce human resources who have the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed in the current trend of the working world.

In responding to the phenomena that occur in the current trends in the world of work, Wadah Foundation took the initiative to design an idea of a learning method in the form of the Global Education Initiative which provides skills training to students, to create human resources with character/integrity and have the quality to be able to compete in the current trends in the working world.

In an effort to support the Global Education Initiative, member of the Supervisory Board Indra Djojohadikusumo and Secretary General of Wadah Foundation Paula S. Landowero were appointed to attend J-WEL Week from 13 to 16 March 2023. The theme of J-WEL Week this time was “Architectures of Learning.” Through this activity, Wadah hoped to obtain information or knowledge in using the Architectures of Learning approach as a basis for preparing learning methods for its beneficiaries.

As a result of participating in J-WEL activities, Indra Djojohadikusumo and Paula S. Landowero designed an innovation in the form of an idea that supports the Global Education Initiative through a program called Wadah Education Resource Center (WERC). The WERC program aims to produce human resources with character that puts forward moral ethical values, values of love and service, values of honesty, trustworthiness, tolerance, discipline and hard work, creativity and a sense of responsibility, so that each of them become a qualified personal figures, empowered and dignified through technical skills training (job skills).

Through the Architectures of Learning approach, Wadah Foundation is increasingly focused its effort on developing the concept of vocational education with specific personality and quality to achieve human resources with relevant skills and competitiveness to access job opportunities in the era of globalization and the development of digital technology.

Author: Wahyuning Dwi Ndraha

Editor: Paula Stela Landowero


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